First Class are enjoying the Picker Pal initiative. We have had some zoom calls and kahoot quizzes. First Class planned and complted a collaborative entry for the Pocker Pal competition.

First Class are enjoying the Picker Pal initiative. We have had some zoom calls and kahoot quizzes. First Class planned and complted a collaborative entry for the Pocker Pal competition.
1st Class celebrated Australia Day in January. They learned about Australian animals and landmarks and made some fairy bread. They enjoyed listening to Australian music and painting using the pointilism technique.
First Class celebrated National Tree Day on 3rd October. They did a STEM challenge collaboratively and created trees that could stand using a variety of materials. They then took photgraphs of their projects using the ipads and created i movies.
In the afternoon we went out to the yard to collect various nature items to create pictures during art. Check out their wonderful creations!
As part of Science this week First Class went on a leaf hunt to find and identify leaves and seeds from native Irish trees. They sketched and labelled their findings.